mesh liberation

manifesto - guides - tools

The government Mom has suspended internet access until further notice.

Now what?

It’s quiet out here

Welcome to our dark ages

Welcome to mesh liberation

  • Learn about uncensorable communications

  • Break free with resources and tools to create local connectivity

  • Share the survivable networks manifesto

Our mission is to empower humanity with the knowledge and tools to establish wireless networks that can resist censorship and survive disruptive forces.


  • Connected voices create shared destinies.

  • Centralised communication hangs from a fragile thread. Today, commoditised hardware and distributed incentives enable cooperation at unprecedented scale.

  • It’s time to build infinitely many, uncensorable & survivable citizen wireless networks.

When the dark comes, how far will your light shine?

Will my neighbours hear me cry?

Will they recognise my voice and forward it to you?

Will their watchfires blaze across spacetime, like stars in the sky?

Will you see their light, recognise my song and feel home in my words?

And you, when you hear the song of freedom, will you join the chant?

[email protected]


Imagine all national mobile services are down.

Help all the neighborhood kids get back online.


  • Your phone

  • (One or more routers)

  • Friends’ phones

  • (Someone’s backhaul)

Come say hi

[email protected]